My Experiences
Currently pursuing a degree in Engineering with a specialization in Applied Mathematics and Modeling at Polytech Nice Sophia.
Developing skills in mathematical modeling, data analysis, and problem-solving, with a focus on practical applications in engineering.
- Minor: Data Science
- Expected graduation: 2024
- Main subjects: Machine learning, Deep learning, Applied IA, NLP
Developed a data-driven approach to identify candidate-job matches using skills in web scraping and statistical analysis.
Through this experience, I developed a deep understanding of the role that data science plays in developing innovative solutions to complex problems.
My projects
Detect offsides in football using computer vision techniques. This project is still in development and is still in progress.
Languages and libraries used: -Python -Flask -OpenCV -Eventually some scikit-learn -HTML,CSS and some JavaScript.
In this project, we will seek to detect cancerous tumors in the liver. We will use open access data that have been annotated by experts (radiologists and oncologists): the tumors are therefore known and localized.
Build a model that detects frauds in credit cards transactions using an unbalanced dataset